Privacy Policy
We are aware that all sensitive personal data needs to be carefully handled and protected. However, Property Kumbh is designed to make your profile and property-related information available to users for their needs, as provided by you, without any protection.

We treat all the data provided by you on this platform as non-critical and available to share. Property Kumbh has complete rights to use or share this information for a fee or free, depending on the company's strategy from time to time. As a part of this Privacy Policy, we intend to keep you aware and encourage you to stay up-to-date with our policy for using our services. This Privacy Policy will also inform you of ways you can manage the information you share with us. If you do not agree with this Policy or our Terms of use, please do not continue to use or access our platform or any part thereof.

This Privacy Policy is subject to the terms of use and constitutes a valid and legally binding agreement between you as a user and the Property Kumbh platform and any services thereon are being provided to you as a service on a revocable, limited, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license.

This Privacy policy is valid for our services offered through the Property Kumbh platform including website as well as mobile application. We handle user data securely through HTTPS and adhere to industry-standard security norms. If you wish to continue using the Property Kumbh platform, you agree to provide us with the required information as detailed here and also agree to the “terms and conditions” and “Privacy Policy”.

The Information we collect:
To use our services on the Property Kumbh platform, the user must first complete the registration form. As part of the registration process, a user is required to supply their personal information as mentioned below:

At each point, you will know the information we are collecting from you. To use the Application, we collect:
Your full name.
Your mobile number (to login).
Your email address (to login).
Your complete address.
Profile photo (Optional)
Your Verification Document (may be required by our Admin to approve your registration request).
Other optional data like interests, requirements etc are also to be used for additional services.
Your IP address.
Your visit path & Duration slots on our website/Application.
Browser cookies to enhance your experience on our platform.

We may collect the following optional information from guest users (non-members) who want to know more about our services or want to request a demo of our services :
mobile number,
check-in time and check-out time on the website/application
Remark/Intent of use
other data, relevant as per requirements. (optional)

Additional Information - We may collect information about you, with your permission, in the following general categories:
Profile Information: - (You have the option to upload your profile photo from your photo gallery or click on a new photo using Camera. You may also choose not to allow the mobile application any access to your gallery or camera).
Device Information: - (To ensure the best user experience on every device, we may also collect information about your mobile device, including, for example, the hardware model, operating system and version, preferred language, etc).
Your Post Details:- Your posted information will be available to all users searching for similar needs.

Use of Information
Information collected by us through the Property Kumbh platform may be used for the following purposes:

Use this in the backend logic to be able to provide our services to you.
Our internal record keeping.
Offer new, improved, and personalized services to our users.
Send important communication from us and from our recommended service/product providers.
To resolve disputes that may arise with the use of our services and to help promote a safe service to all our users.
All information on this platform can be utilized for financial and non-financial reasons as per current or future company strategies. We may also use it to improve the user experience by introducing new services and products from time to time.
User Credentials
You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your credentials and are completely responsible for all the activities that occur under your account. If you suspect any unauthorized usage/excess of your account, you agree to immediately reset/change your credentials and notify us (if needed). Property Kumbh will not be liable for any consequences caused by any unintended security gaps.